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Showing posts from March, 2019

Use Tea To Make Someone Fall In Love With You ! want to know How..........

Everyone has at least one thing which they do every day willingly or unwillingly, but I used to do one thing in day, not for one time but as many as time I want, I am a typical " chai lover ",tea is not beverage for me its like a booster which always gives me energy and makes me enthusiastic. Chai is that word which always makes me happy and the only thing I never deny to anyone when offered. It goes with every mood, every situation, it is a love of my heart. It is the only thing which does not belong to my mood swings, in fact, it is like something which I love to take in any situation.for me its like blood group is equal to tea positive . Chai is not a drink it is a sentiment, sometimes I feel I don't drink tea to wake up, I wake up to drink refreshes the mind like nothing and that is the reason someone says that a cup of tea is a cup of peace. You can't obtain happiness however you'll be able to obtain tea and that is the reasonably identical fact