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Shhhhh...listen ! Do You Here The Sound of Tea?


Think different!! Bots are the new Apps. Bots seem to be a versatile technology framework to increase the efficiency of your users. We cover here what is Bot, why we need it and what are the design principles while thinking about a Bot. Over growing websites and crowded contents and design on websites making it confusing for the users to find out the information or just get a quick answer for their question. I think that was the trigger for “Chat Widget” on most of the web sites. Now, with ever-growing technologies and everything being offered as services through the platform it is easier to build intelligence and conversation with these widgets, that’s where the Bot arrives. So, the very important thing, “Bots” are not another search box it’s much more than that. Bots are  Trained  with Natural Language Processing and have machine learning on top of your data where it helps build the conversation with the end-users. There are lots of bots around, it would be worth to take a few
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Use Tea To Make Someone Fall In Love With You ! want to know How..........

Everyone has at least one thing which they do every day willingly or unwillingly, but I used to do one thing in day, not for one time but as many as time I want, I am a typical " chai lover ",tea is not beverage for me its like a booster which always gives me energy and makes me enthusiastic. Chai is that word which always makes me happy and the only thing I never deny to anyone when offered. It goes with every mood, every situation, it is a love of my heart. It is the only thing which does not belong to my mood swings, in fact, it is like something which I love to take in any situation.for me its like blood group is equal to tea positive . Chai is not a drink it is a sentiment, sometimes I feel I don't drink tea to wake up, I wake up to drink refreshes the mind like nothing and that is the reason someone says that a cup of tea is a cup of peace. You can't obtain happiness however you'll be able to obtain tea and that is the reasonably identical fact